Thursday, September 18, 2014

Scotland Out is Bad for the Faith

Of course, this comes as no surprise, since the religion of the Scottish Nationalists, like Nationalists everywhere, is themselves. It's because of the weakening of the Reformed Faith that the Scots are even considering leaving the union.

As the author of the listed piece notes, Scotland needs more than a "No Thanks" vote, Scotland (and England) need a "Gospel Yes" vote.

3 Things to Remember when Praying for Scotland

Monday, September 8, 2014

The English Churchman

The English Churchman was recommended to me by a friend and Orange brother. They seem soundly Reformed. I'll let their introduction speak for them:

"The English Churchman  is a Christian newspaper which was established in the UK in 1843 and incorporated St James Chronicle of 1761. Hopefully that long record says more than would the usual bunch of flattering commendations from friends or boasts of ourselves. Like the Apostle Paul, we would rather glory in our infirmities in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ alone."

Additionally, they approach topics of the day with wit and wisdom:

 English Churchman is seeking to expand their subscription base to North America.  Hie thee hence to their archives for some examples of their excellent work.